domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

A description of a person and peer response.

Peer response for: Patricia
By: María López Martínez

Dear Patricia, I see your description really well explained, it's easy to understand and it shows your apreciation for your brother. Nevertheless, I invite you to describe a little bit more about your thoughts and to do the description longer. I really like the structure you have used because it's really clear. In my point of view only need a concluding sentence. Well done!

Improved description:
I really admire my brother, He's a very kind and very nice person. When I have a problem, he's always ready to help me, doesn't matter the situation. He's a brave person, he isn't afraid of nothing. I consider him a great person, very nice and friendly with the people. I love him too much and I couldn't live without him. In my opinion, he's a person with whom you can talk about anything. In addition, he's often playing jokes to the people and he always spends practical jokes for me, some are funny and some not so. However, I can't be mad with him. Definitely, he's the best brother I ever had and I wouldn't change him for anything.

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